Whispering Winds hosts TWO weekend Family Camp experiences for families who have children (of any age) with special needs. These unique Family Camp experiences take place at the Whispering Winds campgrounds in the lovely Julian mountains on July 18 – 20, 2025, for families with a special camper age 0-17 and on September 26-28, 2025, for families with a special camper age 18+.

To make this happen, we need a cadre of mature, compassionate, and enthusiastic volunteers to serve our special needs campers’ unique needs, their typical siblings, and parents.

Each camper with special needs will be paired with an adult Special Needs Buddy (25-30 needed each weekend). We also need 10-20 additional adult volunteers to help run camp activities to provide higher supervision and interaction with these exceptional families. For our July weekend, we also offer families with typical siblings aged 5 and under a dedicated 1:1 high school Child Care Assistant (CCA) (about 10-12 needed).

Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap.” Luke 6:38

Please review the three (3) opportunities below for you to serve families during our Special Needs Family Camp weekend and apply for the one best suited to your interests and availability.

1. Special Needs Buddy (SNB)* – Adult volunteer exclusively paired 1:1 with a special needs child of any age/disability for the entire weekend. Our goal is to make each family feel assured that their child’s special needs are fully met while campers enjoy a fun-loving and caring companion during all planned weekend activities. Service dates: July 18 – 20, 2025, for families with a special camper age 0-17 and September 26-28,2025, for families with a special camper age 18+. Included: lodging, six meals plus snacks, and a Buddy T-shirt. (Minimum age: 18 and graduated high school senior by July 15). Must attend mandatory evening training session: TBD

2. Day of Volunteers – Adult volunteer to assist with camp activities (i.e., meal support, activity support, set-up/clean-up) for special needs children and their family members on either Friday (2-8 pm), Saturday (8:30 am-3:30 pm and/or 3:30 pm-8:30 pm) or Sunday (8:30 am-3:30 pm) for either/both July & September weekends. Included: meal(s) during volunteer day plus snacks (no lodging). (Minimum age: 18). Attendance at the training session is encouraged.

3. Child Care Assistant (CCA) – Students entering 9th – 12th grade paired 1:1 with a typical sibling 5 and under and/or providing camp activity support for families throughout the July 18-20, 2025 weekend. More details on CCAs.

*SNBs need no prior experience with children or adults with special needs, as Buddies will receive basic training from Whispering Winds staff regarding the support and care of our campers with special needs.