Frequently Asked Questions for the Whispering Winds Online Store

Are these products available in the Camp Store at Whispering Winds?

Some are available in the camp store, but some are exclusive to our online store. The description of each item will let you know if it is exclusive or available in-store, too.

Why are the prices in the online store more expensive than in the camp store?

All of our online products are created using Printify, a print-on-demand company. This means all products are unique and produced only once ordered. The print provider has its own production costs, which are included in the price.

Shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping method, product type, Print Provider, and delivery destination. Please note that the shipping cost is not included in the product price.

When you purchase items in our camp store, you purchase directly from us, and no shipping costs are needed.


What company is used to make these products?

All of our online products are created using Printify, which is a print-on-demand company.

What is the return/exchange policy?

Unfortunately, returns/refunds are not available.

Since Whispering Winds uses a print-on-demand company, all products are unique and produced only once ordered. This also means that returns and exchanges are not supported if you ordered the wrong size or color or simply changed your mind.

However, if you receive a damaged product or a manufacturing error, please contact within seven (7) days of receiving your order and provide a clear photo showing the issue.

What is the shipping time for each item?

It varies. All products are print-on-demand. When an order is placed, your item(s) are printed specifically for you and shipped directly to you within the requirements of a warehouse, stock, etc.

What happens if my package gets lost?

Whispering Winds will not be held responsible for lost/damaged packages.

If the package has been lost, the first thing to do is check whether the submitted address is 100% accurate. Even a single missing letter or number can cause a delivery failure. If the address is correct, please make sure to contact your local post office.

After completing both steps, please contact within three (3) days of a lost package. We will contact Printify to investigate. If they determine that the customer made no error, they may be able to offer a reprint of your item, but that can not be guaranteed.